The National PTA Reflections Arts Recognition Program is a program designed to inspire and celebrate your kid’s creativity. To participate, students create a piece of art in any of 6 different categories that reflects this year’s theme, “Accepting Imperfection” Every student who enters receives a certificate celebrating their work! Each artwork is evaluated on interpretation of the theme, creativity and artistic merit. Reflections is not just for “artsy” kids- it’s for EVERY kid!
- Reflect on the theme “Show Your Voice!” and create an original work in one (or more!) of the following categories (click on the hyperlinks for more information about each):
- Fill out an Entry Form, and be sure to include your Artist’s Statement, which is how your artwork connects to the theme (this is 50% of your score from the judges).
- Turn in your artwork and entry form to the office at Clemens Crossing by Tuesday, December 3, 2024! OR, if your submission is electronic, please email it to me: [email protected].
Artwork will be judged in 3 categories:
- Primary (Grades K-2)
- Intermediate (Grades 3-5)
- Special Artist (for students with challenges as covered in the ADA)
Entries will be reviewed by experienced arts and education judges. All participants will be celebrated with certificates of participation, the top three entries will receive ribbons and the first place entry will receive a medal. The top three entries in each category will move on to the Howard County Reflections Contest; the top three County entries will move on to the Maryland State Reflections Contest, and State winners in each category will compete in the National PTA Reflections Contest.
EVERY artwork will be celebrated!
Contact Lisa Scata & Jacqie Bates, Reflections Chairs
Email: [email protected]